Author archives

Audible giveaway for Madison Book 1

Madison Mosby and the Rose Widow The Moonmilk Saga, Volume 1 Selling magical drugs could get a girl killed. Now, all Madison Mosby has to do is survive against pistols, potions, and private armies. Good thing she stopped drinking long enough to discover her family’s secret weapons. Madison Mosby plays by the rules – and …

Orbital Heist – An Eagle’s Debt Short Story

Date: May 9, 2199   Axel Nash clung to a charred side of a satellite covered in Hindu warning labels, trying not to think about his life choices. White clouds crossed South America, below. This is almost over, he reminded himself. You’re doing this for the money. All your kids need to go to school. …

New Series in the Works – The Eagle’s Debt

I’ve got a few upcoming projects, aside from the third Madison Mosby book (due out in July/Aug 2019). The next series is one I’ve been thinking of for a while – James Bond in space. “But, Jason,” you’re saying, “James Bond has already been to space. Moonraker was a universally acclaimed masterpiece for its time.” …

Attention Audible Addicts

I’m an audio book addict. That’s what happens when you have to commute two hours every day. Before I discovered the awesomeness of Audible, I would buy comedy albums to fill the drive time. That got expensive and you didn’t get very much for your money. Then I discovered what podcasts had to offer and …

Madison Mosby Book 2 Update

Loving how the cover for Madison Mosby and the Moonmilk Wars came out. I’m editing the third draft right now. From there, it goes to the beta readers and then back to the editor for a final line edit. Last step will be to send it off to the world’s greatest narrator!